2011. november 3., csütörtök


Itt a lista az új racialokról, amik lényegében semleges fun extrák. 

Human: Rally - Rallies nearby allies.
Miraluka: Sense Force Alignment - Senses the target's alignment with the Force.
Twi'lek: Parlor dance - Perform an unique cultural dance.
Zabrak: Inspire loyalty - Inspires loyalty from nearby allies.
Mirialan - Focusing Ritual - Undergo a focusing ritual to rest and recuperate spirit.
Cyborg: Scan target - Scans target with a critical cybernetic eye.
Sith: Punish - Punish your companion for his or continued failures.
Rattataki: Shadowbox - Perform a series of mock blows, blocks and counters, warming up for the fight to come.
Chiss: Salute - Prompts nearby allies to stand at attention.

2 megjegyzés:

  1. Kiváncsi vagyok ez a Sith Punish mit takar? Remélem Ashara-t jól elfenekelhetem. :-) :-)

  2. Örülük, hogy nem Khem Val-t, mondtál :D
